Subject to Inquiry

Subject to Inquiry


Government Investigations and White Collar Litigation Group

Tag Archives: “Transparency International”

Anti-Bribery and Corruption, Enforcement and Prosecution Policy and Trends

Transparency International 2013 Corruption Perceptions Index

For anyone who perhaps naively might have thought that there may be uniformity across the single market in the European Union, they may be mistaken as Cyprus is in 31st position, Spain in 40th position, Czech Republic in 57th position (only slightly ahead of Ghana), Italy in 69th position only slightly ahead of Brazil at 72 and China at 80.… Continue Reading
Anti-Bribery and Corruption, Enforcement and Prosecution Policy and Trends

Transparency International’s recommendations to the Government to assist in the prosecution of transnational financial crime

In short, TI is recommending better communication between all those in government who are involved in the prevention of international financial crime and better reporting so that the public and others can identify what the Government is actually doing and achieving in this regard.… Continue Reading
Anti-Bribery and Corruption, Enforcement and Prosecution Policy and Trends

Corruption Investigation Into EADS/GPT – Will The Government Block This One too?

So one might take the view that "here we are again" five years later more allegations of corruption; involving a Saudi Royal again; the only difference is it is a UK subsidiary of EADS/GPT, on this occasion, and not British Aerospace. Presumably the Cameron government is faced with the same sort of dilemma, with similar pressure from the Saudi government.… Continue Reading

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