Subject to Inquiry

Subject to Inquiry


Government Investigations and White Collar Litigation Group

Tag Archives: “Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act”

Financial Institution Regulation

Trump Signals Beginning of Efforts to Curtail Dodd-Frank

On February 3, President Donald J. Trump signed an executive order that signaled the beginning of the Trump Administration’s efforts to dismantle parts of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (“Dodd-Frank”).  The executive order, entitled Core Principles for Regulating the United States Financial System (“Order”), lays out seven core principles (“Core Principles”)… Continue Reading
Anti-Bribery and Corruption, Enforcement and Prosecution Policy and Trends, Fraud, Deception and False Claims

US Securities and Exchange Commission Annual Report on the Dodd-Frank Whistleblower Program 2011

We, at the BriberyLibary, follow this new program with great interest as we are of the view that financial incentives and compensation designed to encourage people with knowledge and evidence to come forward to blow the whistle on corporate corruption (and other legal wrongs) should be seriously considered in the UK without delay… Continue Reading

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