Subject to Inquiry

Subject to Inquiry


Government Investigations and White Collar Litigation Group

Tag Archives: DHS

Immigration and Worksite Enforcement

Employer Update: DHS Extends Temporary Protected Status and Work Authorization for El Salvador, Haiti, Sudan, and Nicaragua

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced on March 1, 2019, an extension of the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for qualifying individuals from El Salvador, Haiti, Sudan, and Nicaragua. DHS also announced a nine-month automatic extension of these TPS beneficiaries’ Employment Authorization Documents (EADs), allowing beneficiaries to work in the United States until January 2,… Continue Reading
Compliance, Immigration and Worksite Enforcement

Buyer Beware: Noncompliant Electronic I-9 Software Risks Customer Company Fines

Electronic I-9 software can be very attractive to companies looking for efficiency and ensuring compliance. Not to mention the elimination of file drawers that once housed these voluminous paper I-9 files. However, buyers beware, not all electronic I-9 software meets the federal regulations’ requirements. And the problem for well-meaning companies: ICE will still hold the… Continue Reading

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